
The Morris Memorial provides many impactful and valuable services to the greater Chatham community and its children. The inclusion of youth and adult volunteers is vital to the success of many of our programs and fundraising events. 

Register as an individual, or on behalf of a group, with interest to become a future volunteer and receive information surrounding a variety of community service opportunities throughout the year!

Volunteer activity examples:

  • Registration, managing prize holes and assisting with raffles during our annual Golf Tournament.
  • Coaching, field prep, refereeing, equipment management and concession stand assistance during youth sporting events (fall soccer, winter basketball & spring track and field).
  • Course marking, registration, time recording, ribbon distribution, manning hot drink station / water tables and general equipment management during the annual Ray Barbuti Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot.
  • Collecting donations during our annual coin drop fundraiser.

Are You Interested in Volunteering?

Volunteer Application